Monday, 30 September 2013

Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Newsletter

Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Newsletter

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Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Newsletter

September 2013

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Welcome to the Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Newsletter from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). This newsletter contains information about activities and events which are going on in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research at the HEA and the funding opportunities available.
If you have comments or queries about the contents of this newsletter please email Mary McAlinden, HEA Discipline Lead for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research. Further information about activities in the Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research discipline at the HEA can be found on our discipline page. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter by going to MyAcademy.

HEA Events
Tackling transition in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research: Exploring the Impact of Curriculum for Excellence
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, 27 November 2013
This event aims to facilitate networking and dialogue between pre-university and university Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research educators, to help prepare students for undergraduate study in these subject areas.
The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence framework provides exciting new opportunities for enriching the learning experience for pupils aged 3-18. It is therefore crucial that educators delivering university programmes have an in-depth understanding of the developments which have accompanied the new curriculum. The event will include contributions from the HEA's Curriculum for Excellence Scholars in Mathematics, who will be presenting outcomes from their work. It will also provide networking opportunities for individuals working in the Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research discipline within both sectors of the education system in Scotland to share expertise and explore more effective ways of working together to "tackle transition".
There is no charge for attending this event. For further information and to book a place please go to our online events page.

Workshops for Postgraduate Students who Teach
The HEA's programme of discipline-specific one-day workshops for postgraduate students who teach in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research has already commenced. Workshops will also be running at the following venues.
• University of Birmingham, Friday 4 October 2013
• University College London, Wednesday 16 October 2013
• University of Sheffield, Thursday 24 October 2013
• Lancaster University, Tuesday 29 October 2013
• University of Manchester, Thursday 31 October 2013
• ICMS Edinburgh, Friday 28 February 2014
The workshop in Edinburgh is being run by the HEA Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research discipline in conjunction with the Scottish Mathematical Sciences Training Centre.

HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014
30 April -1 May 2014, University of Edinburgh
The next HEA STEM conference entitled Enhancing the STEM Student Journey will take place in Edinburgh on 30 April – 1 May 2014. This year a Pecha Kucha format will be adopted in which presentations consisting of 20 slides, each of 20 seconds are followed by brainstorming and discussion. This dynamic conference format will provide an excellent forum for rich discussion and the exchange of new ideas in teaching and learning in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research.
The call for papers and abstracts for oral presentations, posters and workshops is now open. This year, we would particularly like to encourage students to participate in authoring and co-authoring submissions. The deadline for submissions is Friday 22 November 2013. For further information about the conference, please go to our online conference page.

HEA Funding and Awards
HEA STEM Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Technician of the Year Award
The HEA is inviting applications for the award of Technician of the Year in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research. Technicians make a vital contribution to higher education provision in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research through their technical skills, communication skills, teaching activities, administrative work, problem solving skills and innovation etc. This award seeks to recognise and celebrate this contribution.
The winner will receive £250 in vouchers in recognition of their contribution to education in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research. The award will be presented at the HEA STEM Conference 2014. For full details of the award criteria and information about the application process, please go to our online page. The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 February 2014.

Professor Sir Ron Cooke International Scholarship Scheme
Applications are invited for the Professor Sir Ron Cooke International Scholarship Scheme. The scheme supports individuals in the sector to undertake specific investigations outside of the UK to explore innovative examples of teaching excellence and learning and teaching policies and bring these back for testing and dissemination within the UK. The deadline for submissions is 20 January 2014.

Call for Reviewers for MSOR Connections
Expressions of interest are being invited from individuals interested in taking on the role of reviewer on behalf of the editorial board of MSOR Connections. If you are interested in this opportunity please email Hazel White with information about your areas of specialist expertise. Individuals responding to this call may be asked to provide further information before being invited to review articles.

Other News
Year Ahead Calendar for 2013/14
The HEA has published the year ahead calendar for 2013/14. This provides advance information about key funding deadlines and other events.

Results from the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2013
The HEA has published a report of the findings of the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2013.

Leading Transformation in Learning and Teaching Leadership Programme
This programme is being offered jointly by the HEA and the Leadership Foundation. The deadline for applications to join the programme is Friday 11 October 2013.

David Andrew, 
HEA CPD Manager
Senior Tutor

Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Queen Mary University of London
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