HEA Research and Policy webinar: Considering teaching excellence in higher education 2007-2013, 8 October 2013, online via Blackboard Collaborate
Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London
Defining and developing your approach to employability, 17 October 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
New to using social networking in learning and teaching, 17 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
New to using open access resources in teaching research methods, 18 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
Postgraduates who teach in the Physical Sciences workshop, 18 October 2013, University of Huddersfield
HEA STEM (Maths, Stats &OR): Workshop for postgraduate students who teach Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, 24 October 2013, University of Sheffield, 29 October 2013, Lancaster University, and 31 October 2013, University of Manchester
New to teaching in Business Education, 8 November 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
Academic integrity and student development: exploring dimensions for improving practice, 21 November 2013, College Court Conference Centre, University of Leicester
HEA professional writing retreats in Edinburgh (11 – 12 December 2013), London (19 – 20 February 2014) and Leeds (9 – 10 April 2014) |
HEA Research and Policy webinar: Considering teaching excellence in higher education 2007-2013, 8 October 2013, online via Blackboard Collaborate
Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London
Defining and developing your approach to employability, 17 October 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
Leading Transformation in Learning and Teaching (LTLT)
Applications are now open for LTLT, a new leadership programme jointly designed and delivered by the HEA and the Leadership Foundation. The programme is aimed at those with responsibility for leading learning and teaching development such as Programme Leaders, Course Directors and Associate Deans Learning and Teaching.
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Call for expressions of interest in PTES 2014
PTES is the only national survey of postgraduate students' experience of their taught courses. The results can help institutions build a picture of postgraduate students' experience and compare it with the national picture and over time. Over the past two years, over 100 institutions and over 100,000 students have taken part. Call closes 8 November 2013.
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New HEA Research and Policy Seminar/Webinar series
The HEA's Research and Policy Seminar/Webinar series returns next month with a full programme of free events for the sector. The second series launches on Tuesday 8 October with a discussion on teaching excellence in higher education led by Dr Vicky Gunn from the University of Glasgow.
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HEA STEM Technician of the Year
Nominations are being invited for the HEA's annual STEM Technician of the Year awards. The scheme aims to highlight the importance of the technician's contribution to the learning and teaching experience. There are eight discipline-specific categories and the deadline for applications is 1 February 2014.
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Join the consultation on QAA and HEA education for sustainable development guidance
Academics, students and managers from across the HE sector are invited to take part in a workshop to provide feedback on the HEA and Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) new education for sustainable development (ESD) guidance document. The document will be published in early 2014 and this consultation workshop on 5 November will focus on developing the document to help staff in higher education institutions (HEIs) to implement ESD across the curriculum.
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HEA and CoDH welcome extension of collaboration on innovation
The HEA and the Council of Deans of Health (CoDH) have announced that they are extending their collaboration on innovation in learning and teaching for a second year. The second year of the collaboration will focus on sharing examples of innovative practice for nursing, midwifery and the allied health professionals through workshops and seminars.
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Applications invited for the Promotion, process and policy change programme
The HEA has launched a new change programme on the theme of the reward and recognition of staff. This new change programme is distinctive since it not only draws on the latest international research on promotion, but for the first time the programme aims to facilitate international working between the UK and Australia through the format of a collaborative change programme. The closing date for applications is 1 November 2013.
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Change masterclasses
In 2013-14, the HEA is leading a series of online (two-hour) and face-to-face (full day) masterclasses addressing key aspects of the change lifecycle for individuals interested in change in higher education. Two will be held in 2013, Preparing for change (20 November, York) and Leadership of change (16 December, online). Five more – Planning for change, Models of change, Implementing change, Embracing resistance and Sustaining change – will be held in 2014.
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Government offers £1 million in funding to develop assistive technology
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is providing £1million of funding for two new competitions aimed at technology developers. The competitions ask designers to invent new products which will help those with disabilities and learning difficulties access work, training and education. Named 'Ready steady STEM' and 'Good to go', the two competitions are being launched with the help of Jisc TechDis.
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New webpage for psychological literacy resources
This page launches two resources designed to help the Psychology learning and teaching community to embed psychological literacy within the undergraduate curriculum. The new guides offer inspiration and practical tips to make learning about Psychology engaging and personally meaningful.
Website |
Call open for HEA International Scholarship Programme
The HEA Professor Sir Ron Cooke International Scholarship Programme aims to support individuals to undertake specific investigations outside of the UK which will enhance the UK student learning experience. The call for applications is now open and closes on 20 January 2014.
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Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London
These events take plance in Glasgow, York, Ulster and London. They will be used to explore the use of the UKPSF as a CPD framework, explain the requirements for successful accreditation, and help institutions prepare for the formal accreditation submission. Attendance will be free for up to three individuals from each subscribing institution.
Website |
HEA STEM (Maths, Stats &OR): Workshop for postgraduate students who teach Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, 24 October 2013, University of Sheffield, 29 October 2013, Lancaster University, and 31 October 2013, University of Manchester
The content for these workshops, held in Sheffield, Lancaster and Manchester, includes assessing students' work, encouraging class participation and preparing to teach. It is delivered by experienced academics who are subject specialists in MSOR.
Website |
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