Friday 20 September 2013

Call for expressions of interest: HEA Social Sciences strategic priorities 2013 - 14

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Subject: Call for expressions of interest: HEA Social Sciences strategic priorities 2013 - 14
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:08:51 +0100
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Call for expressions of interest: HEA Social Sciences strategic priorities 2013 - 14
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Call for expressions of interest: HEA Social Sciences strategic priorities 2013-14

19 September 2013

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Throughout 2013–14 we will be focusing on three cross-cluster strategic priorities with the aim of supporting better teaching, learning, assessment and student support practices in active and experiential learning; employability and global citizenship; and, teaching research methods. In addition to these three strategic priorities HEA Social Sciences will support on two further strategic projects focusing on disciplinary areas undergoing significant change - Teacher Education and Law.

 Active and experiential learning

  • assessment for active and experiential learning;
  • active and experiential learning for work and at work;
  • active and experiential learning in non-traditional settings.

Further details of these strands, the process for expressions of interest and the relevant forms are available via this link.

Employability and global citizenship

  • enterprise and entrepreneurship;
  • cultural and ethical competence;
  • learners articulating 'employability'.

Further details of these strands, the process for expressions of interest and the relevant forms are available via this link.

Teaching research methods

  • communicating quantitative methods (Restricted funding – applications from institutions based in England only);
  • embedding research methods into the curriculum;
  • the re-use of open educational resources (OER) in research methods teaching;
  • teaching mixed methods.

Further details of these strands, the process for expressions of interest and the relevant forms are available via this link.

Exploring the distinctive contribution of HE to initial teacher education

  • enabling student teachers to undertake practitioner research as part of their professional practice;
  • creating space and time for reflection and critical thinking away from the 'busy-ness' of schools and exploring the value of such spaces (real or virtual);
  • exploring the role that research-informed teaching plays in enabling teachers to respond effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion in their practice and to closing the achievement gap.

Further details of these strands the process for expressions of interest and the relevant forms are available via this link.

Supporting the future of legal education

  • strengthening the ways in which legal ethics, values and professionalism are taught;
  • legal writing, research and reasoning skills;
  • planning for personal and professional development.

Further details of these strands the process for expressions of interest and the relevant forms are available via this link.



David Andrew, 
HEA CPD Manager
Senior Tutor

Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Queen Mary University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS

02078822803 - office

02081446753 - skype/mobile

 Book an appointment with me at



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