Friday, 13 September 2013

Fwd: Events e-bulletin

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Subject: Events e-bulletin
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:50:02 +0100
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Events e-bulletin
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Events e-bulletin

13 September 2013

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HEA STEM: Upcoming workshops


Dear Colleagues

We have three exciting workshops specifically aimed at STEM academics in November. The first is an Interdisciplinary Showcase that is taking place at the BBC in London. We currently have a call for short submissions out for this. We aim to have six short presentations on the day with the best of them being awarded £1000 to continue and enhance their work. This is a great opportunity to compete for funding for your project.

Our second event is an interactive workshop held at UCLAN, where we will examine the employability skills of STEM graduates and look at how the curriculum can be used as a vehicle to enhance a range of such skills. This workshop may also interest those working in careers departments.

Finally the University of Ulster will host an event on 22 November on Digital Literacy in STEM Disciplines. This interactive workshop will explore how technology can be introduced into the curriculum to enhance digital literacy (DL).

Further can be found at;

HEA STEM: Interdisciplinary Show Case

Date: 5 Nov 2013

Location/venue: BBC Broadcast Centre White City London, W12


HEA STEM: Identifying and enhancing the employability skills of STEM graduates

Date: 12 Nov 2013

Location/venue: UCLAN, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2HE


HEA STEM: Digital Literacy in STEM Disciplines

Date: 22 Nov 2013

Location/venue: University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Belfast.


Please note, in some cases there is a small cover charge to attend the workshops.


A3 Awards (Agile Academic Awards)

Final Reminder – deadline for submission 30 September 2013

A submission, not longer than four sides of A4, should include a brief description of the teaching approach, including challenges and benefits to students and best practice developed.

Winning submissions will be announced at the Agile Business Conference in London on 9-10 October 2013. For prize details and competition rules see


Keep in touch

Visit the website:
Twitter: # HEASTEM


David Andrew, 
HEA CPD Manager
Senior Tutor

Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Queen Mary University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at



My profiles: Twitter Google Plus

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