Thursday, 26 April 2012

Fwd: Physical Sciences Newsletter

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Physical Sciences Newsletter

April 2012

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In this edition:

• STEM Conference

Workshop report

Resources Centre

External Examining Handbook

Forthcoming workshops

• New to teaching events

• Discipline conferences

HEA Annual Conference

• The Effective Laboratory - Safe, Successful and Sustainable

• HEA UK Travel Fund



This edition of the newsletter contains details of the remaining events in the physical sciences programme for 2011-2012. As well as looking forward, it is also nice to be able to include positive reports of events that have already taken place. I'm continuing to enjoy meeting people both at these events and within their own departments. Do feel free to get in touch with me at if you have any ideas or suggestions as to how myself and the Higher Education Academy can support you.

Paul Yates



HEA STEM Conference

The HEA's first STEM Conference was held on 12th and 13th April at Imperial College, London. A brief summary, which contains feedback from members of the physical sciences community, can be found in the article HEA STEM conference success on the HEA website.


Developing the Virtual Laboratory

This workshop was held at Durham University on 19th March. Its aim was to enhance the quality of the student learning experience with a particular focus on improving the retention, attainment and success of non-traditional student groups through blended learning. Contributions came from the disciplines of biochemistry, chemistry, civil engineering and physics ensuring that the topic was approached from a range of perspectives.

One general theme which emerged from the day was the desirability of using photographs of real experiments rather than simulations. Also, the need for sustainability of materials developed was seen as being of key importance. Suggestions for how to address this were to obtain longer term funding, developing spin off companies, and employing permanent learning technologists.

The day provided an excellent overview of the work being carried out in this area, and provided delegates with an opportunity to develop collaborative links. Many thanks to Sam Nolan for putting together such a varied and high quality programme.


Publications and Resources

Resources Centre

The HEA's new Resources Centre is designed to help you easily find content and resources available throughout our website.


External Examining Handbook 2012

The brand new HEA Handbook for External Examining is now available. It provides advice, guidance and information for all external examiners, whether they are new to the role or not. It is designed so that readers can select sections and topics to suit their need. It primarily concerns external examining of taught programmes at foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.



Discipline Workshop and Seminar Series

Improving Learner Experience in Forensic Science Higher Education and Practitioner Training

Cranfield University

Tuesday 15th May


Peer Assisted Learning and Student Generated Content

University of Manchester

Wednesday 16th May


Developing Independent Learning Skills in the Physical Sciences

University of Reading

Thursday 31st May


Lectures without Lecturing

Thursday 14th June

Higher Education Academy, York


Creative Seminars and Small Group Teaching in the Physical Sciences

Wednesday 20th June

Mercure Manchester Piccadilly


Problem Based Learning workshop

Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th July

Leicester University


I am now looking for proposals for workshops to run in the 2012-2013 academic year. Institutions receive up to £1000 for running a workshops, plus £500 to cover speakers' expenses. Proposals can be submitted here.

or alternatively free feel to contact me at to discuss any ideas you may have.


New to Teaching Events

New to Teaching Workshop

Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th June


This is aimed at those who have been teaching for two years or less, and delegates need to be nominated by their Head of Department. Please send nomination directly to me at


Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Staff Teaching Event

Friday 20th June

Macdonald Manchester Hotel

Further details of this event, aimed at those teachers whose primary job function is research, will be available shortly.


Sponsored Conferences

Full details of the conferences in the physical sciences that the HEA is pleased to be sponsoring are now available.


FORREST (FORensic RESearch and Teaching) Conference

Abertay University, Dundee

Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th June

The FORREST Conference is aimed at promoting and developing links between higher education and forensic science research. The conference will showcase some of the latest developments in forensic research and the teaching of the subject.

A combination of presentations, posters and workshops will provide delegates with an opportunity to learn and network with colleagues and some of the best forensic practitioners. A poster session and exhibition will be integral parts of the conference and poster contributions from students have been encouraged.


Physics Higher Education Conference/Variety in Chemistry Education

Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August

University of Edinburgh

Registration is now open for this year's combined ViCE/PHEC conference in Edinburgh, Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August 2012. This combined conference offers an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and sharing of practice in relation to learning and teaching in chemistry and physics in higher education. ViCE/PHEC will also provide a forum for the dissemination of research into pedagogy and innovative learning.

If you've never been before, these meetings are friendly and informal, and are very accessible for people just starting out in educational development and research. If you haven't done this sort of thing before, or are just curious, why not come along and see what is happening. People are always happy to share their experiences and discuss ideas.

For more information, registration, and to see the call for submissions, please go to

The deadline for abstract submission is Fri 15th June 2012.


HEA Events

HEA Annual Conference

Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th July

University of Manchester

The title for the 8th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Academy is "Great Expectations – are you ready?". Higher education is undergoing transformational change throughout the UK and although policies may be diverging amongst the four nations, the principle of students being central is shared. Their expectations of their course, institution and learning experience are rising. Staff and Institutions have their own aims and expectations too. In the year of the London Olympics where competitors have expectations of winning and are preparing to be ready for the challenge we apply the theme to the higher education sector and explore its implications for 2012.There are three main strands: Student expectations and the learning experience; Supporting staff to deliver student learning experiences of a lifetime; Institutional adaptability.


Other Events

The Effective Laboratory - Safe, Successful and Sustainable

Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June

National Science Learning Centre, York

This conference is being organised by the S-Lab (Safe, Successful and Sustainable Laboratories) initiative, in association with the National HE STEM Programme. The programme has over 50 presentations and should offer excellent networking. Day 2 of the Conference (13 June) is the one which with the greatest content on laboratory-based teaching and learning innovation. There is also a special academic rate for this day during April.


HEA UK Travel Fund

Finally a reminder that funds are available to support travel to any of the events listed above, and others. Please note that applications should now be submitted at least one calendar month prior to the event.

--   David Andrew,   Head of Academic Practice  Senior Tutor         The Learning Institute   Queen Mary, University of London  Mile End, London E1 4NS      02078822803  02081446753     Book an appointment with me at

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