Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The truth behind the myth behind the truth behind learning styles (Learning ...


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via by Stephanie Chasteen on 11/29/11

Is she a visual learner? Probably not -- or is she?

Have you heard that some people are auditory learners and some are visual learners?   Have you heard that that's bunk?  Have you heard that there might be something behind the bunk, but aren't quite sure what it is?  Listen to my latest podcast from the Learning About Teaching Physics series to hear conversations with myself, veteran HS teacher Michael Fuchs, and cognitive scientists to hear just what researchers have (and haven't) found about learning styles.

Here is the blurb for this podcast:

Are you a visual learner or an auditory learner? I bet you can tell me which you think you are. But does it matter? In this podcast, we discuss the research on individual learning styles, and how science learning requires us to blend the visual and the verbal.

Thanks to Hal Pashler of UC San Diego and Richard Mayer of UC Santa Barbara for their participation in this podcast.

Listen to the podcast on the PER User's Guide, and you can also see my previous podcasts:  The Art (and Science) of In-Class Questioning Using Clickers, and Seeing Isn't Believing:  Do students learn from in-class demonstrations?

This is a short series funded by a small grant and I've only got one more podcast to go.  Do you think I should continue?  Do you have ideas for future topics?  Ideas for grant funding?  Let me know, or else we might not make any more.

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