Tuesday 5 October 2010

Internet in Medicine University Course: Medical blogging


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via ScienceRoll by Dr. Bertalan Meskó on 04/10/10

We just finished the second lecture of the "Internet in Medicine" university credit course which was dedicated to medical blogging. Here is the summary of my presentations.

  • Definition of blog, post, trackback, pingback, comment, tag.
  • First blog: Jorn Barger, 1997
  • Technorati statistics about the state of the entire blogosphere
  • Blogs in plain English:

In the second slideshow, I described how to start a new blog step-by-step.

  • You need to answer 3 questions first before starting a blog:
  • What kind of blogger will I be?
  • Where should I blog? WordPress.com
  • How should I blog?
  • My "3 blogging rule" described what you need to become a good blogger: commitment, consistency and openness
  • Shared many examples about how to build a successful medical blog.

Take-home message:

A medical blog can be a perfect channel to make new contacts, find new opportunities and share your ideas with the world.

The 2 slideshows are described in details on Webicina.com's e-guide:

See you next week when we will talk about Twitter in Medicine and also how to keep yourself up-to-date with RSS.


Things you can do from here:


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