Monday, 6 September 2010

Fwd: UK Centre for Bioscience New Lecturers Folder


Dear Colleagues,


The popular UK Centre for Bioscience New Lecturers Folder has been updated for 2010/2011 and copies are now available to order from the Centre. The folder brings together advice and resources aimed at new bioscience lecturers and can be added to over time to build a personalised collection of resources and references.


Do you know any colleagues new or relatively new to teaching in the biosciences who might benefit from a copy of the folder? Are you running courses for new lecturers who might be interested in receiving a copy?  Please feel free to pass this message on to them.


We have limited copies to distribute on a first come, first served basis. In order that we can keep producing the folders, and distributing them free of charge or at limited cost, we need to be able demonstrate they are being used and that this is impacting positively on teaching and learning. To help us achieve this, our preference is to send the folders to named individuals. This will enable us to contact recipients for feedback on the folders, and also to send them updates for the folders (for example new 'Short Guides'). Your assistance in reaching relevant individuals would be greatly appreciated. 


Single or multiple copies can be requested by emailing the Centre on  

Further details and an electronic version of the folder are available at


Many thanks for your assistance.


Dr Katherine Clark


UK Centre for Bioscience, Higher Education Academy

Phone: 0113 343 3003






P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to...


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