Friday 17 September 2010

Fwd: Inclusion Research Syntheses - new resources added

Inclusion Research Syntheses

As part of its EvidenceNet service, the Higher Education Academy has commissioned a series of research syntheses looking at the experience of diverse groups of students in higher education and strategies to promote their success.

All titles seek to: identify the key research extent on their topic; present a summary of each key report; synthesise the findings of these key reports, together with those of the wider literature on the topic in question; and explore the implications of the research for stakeholders.

By pulling together existing literature in this way, it is hoped not only to disseminate it to a wider audience but also to make it more accessible to a wide range of potential users.

Titles published in 2008 include:

·     Student retention and success: a synthesis of research, Dr Robert Jones (April 2008)

·     Mature learners: a synthesis of research, Judith Smith (2008)

·     Vocational learners: a synthesis of research, Dr Robert Jones (2008)

·     New to widening participation? An overview of research, Dr Robert Jones (2008)

Titles published in 2010 include:

·     Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education: a synthesis of research, Professor Christine Hockings (April 2010)

·     Disability equality in higher education: a synthesis of research, Dr Mark Rickinson (April 2010)

·     Social class and higher education: a synthesis of research, Jacqueline Stevenson (Leeds Metropolitan University) and Mel Lang (York St John University) (April 2010)


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