Saturday, 5 October 2013

!st CAPD research seminar

Educational Research Seminar October 2013

10th October 2013 - Part-time teachers in the 21st century workforce: identifying, supporting and sustaining professional development

The first educational research seminar of the 2013/14 series will take place at 12:30pm on Thursday 10th October in room FB3.11 of the Francis Bancroft building on the Mile End campus of QMUL.

Directions and how to book

For directions to the campus, and how to find Francis Bancroft Building, please go to the college directions page.

To register for this seminar please use this Eventbrite link or email the CAPD at – lunch will be provided for those who book, so please let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements.

About the seminar

The first seminar will be given by Fran Beaton of the Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching at the University of Kent, and is entitled Part-time teachers in the 21st century workforce: identifying, supporting and sustaining professional development


Higher Education is very different from how it was when academics now on the verge of retirement joined the profession forty years ago (e.g. UUK 2010). One of the main differences is the increased proportion of academic and teaching staff working on non-standard contracts in universities, employed primarily as teachers rather than as researchers. Part-time teachers are, in any case, not a homogenous group. They may include postgraduates leading seminars; sessional staff; practitioners who combine expertise in other spheres such as healthcare, creative/performing arts and law; retired academics. This paper draws on research data and empirical work conducted in the UK and Australasia about the experiences of part-time teachers, their perceived and actual professional development needs. This work includes whole-institution structures and a consideration of strategies to integrate part-timers for those who work with them: fulltime academics, academic developers, students and organisational leaders.

This paper addresses three questions. What characterises effective interventions? Can Higher Education continue to offer high quality learning and teaching alongside research, while using increasing numbers of part-time teachers and if so, how can this be achieved? Finally, what of ethical considerations? Is there a risk that interventions aimed specifically at part-time teachers’ current role make it harder for them to become, if they wish, fulltime teachers and researchers?

About the presenter

Fran Beaton is Senior Lecturer in Higher Education and Academic Practice and Programme Director of the PG Certificate in Higher Education at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Her research interest is on the experiences of early career teachers and academics and the factors which contribute to the shaping of professional identity and practices.

She has been involved in designing and teaching on postgraduate teacher education programmes for nearly 20 years, including professional development for part-time staff in a number of institutions. Fran’s new book, co-edited with Dr Amanda Gilbert (Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand) entitled ‘ Developing Effective Part-time Teachers in Higher Education: new approaches to professional development’ was published by Routledge on 10th October 2012. She is currently researching identity in relation to professional practitioners (e.g. in Health, Performing Arts and Law) whose time is divided between their practice and HE teaching.
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Monday, 30 September 2013

Academy Update, September 2013

Newsletter - Academy Update
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In This Issue

Survey of postgraduate researchers shows high levels of satisfaction
HEA survey shows high percentage of taught postgraduate students are positive about learning and teaching
Leading Transformation in Learning and Teaching (LTLT)
National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS)
Call for expressions of interest in PTES 2014
New HEA Research and Policy Seminar/Webinar series
HEA STEM Technician of the Year
Join the consultation on QAA and HEA education for sustainable development guidance
HEA and CoDH welcome extension of collaboration on innovation
HEA Social Science strategic priorities for 2013-14
Applications invited for the Promotion, process and policy change programme
Change masterclasses
Government offers £1 million in funding to develop assistive technology

Flexible pedagogies: part-time learners and learning in higher education
Students want more on sustainable development from their higher education careers
New webpage for psychological literacy resources
HEA Social Sciences disciplines workshop and seminar series 2013 - 14
Learning to teach: Exploring the distinctive contribution of higher education to teacher contribution
Call for collaborative round of Teaching Development Grants opens in November
Call open for HEA International Scholarship Programme

HEA Research and Policy webinar: Considering teaching excellence in higher education 2007-2013, 8 October 2013, online via Blackboard Collaborate
Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London
Defining and developing your approach to employability, 17 October 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
New to using social networking in learning and teaching, 17 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
New to using open access resources in teaching research methods, 18 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
Postgraduates who teach in the Physical Sciences workshop, 18 October 2013, University of Huddersfield
HEA STEM (Maths, Stats &OR): Workshop for postgraduate students who teach Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, 24 October 2013, University of Sheffield, 29 October 2013, Lancaster University, and 31 October 2013, University of Manchester
New to teaching in Business Education, 8 November 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
Academic integrity and student development: exploring dimensions for improving practice, 21 November 2013, College Court Conference Centre, University of Leicester
HEA professional writing retreats in Edinburgh (11 – 12 December 2013), London (19 – 20 February 2014) and Leeds (9 – 10 April 2014)


HEA Research and Policy webinar: Considering teaching excellence in higher education 2007-2013, 8 October 2013, online via Blackboard Collaborate

Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London

Defining and developing your approach to employability, 17 October 2013, The Studio, Birmingham

Search for events


For general enquiries:
01904 717 500

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Survey of postgraduate researchers shows high levels of satisfaction

Eighty-two per cent of postgraduate students are satisfied with their research experience according to the HEA's Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2013. This year's survey involved 48,401 students at 122 institutions – the highest number of participants to date.

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HEA survey shows high percentage of taught postgraduate students are positive about learning and teaching

Results from the HEA's Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2013 show that taught postgraduates in the UK can expect a high quality experience, with 76% of students positive about the learning and teaching on their course. Eighty-nine institutions and 58,679 students took part in the survey, the largest response rate since the survey began in 2009.

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Leading Transformation in Learning and Teaching (LTLT)

Applications are now open for LTLT, a new leadership programme jointly designed and delivered by the HEA and the Leadership Foundation. The programme is aimed at those with responsibility for leading learning and teaching development such as Programme Leaders, Course Directors and Associate Deans Learning and Teaching.

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National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS)

The call for nominations to NTFS 2014 will open on 15 October 2013 and close on 14 January 2014. New National Teaching Fellows for 2014 will be announced on 12 June 2014.

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Call for expressions of interest in PTES 2014

PTES is the only national survey of postgraduate students' experience of their taught courses. The results can help institutions build a picture of postgraduate students' experience and compare it with the national picture and over time. Over the past two years, over 100 institutions and over 100,000 students have taken part. Call closes 8 November 2013.

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New HEA Research and Policy Seminar/Webinar series

The HEA's Research and Policy Seminar/Webinar series returns next month with a full programme of free events for the sector. The second series launches on Tuesday 8 October with a discussion on teaching excellence in higher education led by Dr Vicky Gunn from the University of Glasgow.

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HEA STEM Technician of the Year

Nominations are being invited for the HEA's annual STEM Technician of the Year awards. The scheme aims to highlight the importance of the technician's contribution to the learning and teaching experience. There are eight discipline-specific categories and the deadline for applications is 1 February 2014.

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Join the consultation on QAA and HEA education for sustainable development guidance

Academics, students and managers from across the HE sector are invited to take part in a workshop to provide feedback on the HEA and Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) new education for sustainable development (ESD) guidance document. The document will be published in early 2014 and this consultation workshop on 5 November will focus on developing the document to help staff in higher education institutions (HEIs) to implement ESD across the curriculum. 

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HEA and CoDH welcome extension of collaboration on innovation

The HEA and the Council of Deans of Health (CoDH) have announced that they are extending their collaboration on innovation in learning and teaching for a second year. The second year of the collaboration will focus on sharing examples of innovative practice for nursing, midwifery and the allied health professionals through workshops and seminars.

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HEA Social Science strategic priorities for 2013-14
Throughout 2013 – 14 HEA Social Sciences will focus on three cross-cluster strategic priorities which aim to support better teaching, learning, assessment and student support practices. The priorities are: active and experiential learning; employability and global citizenship; and teaching research methods.

Visit the HEA Social Sciences webpage for more information

Applications invited for the Promotion, process and policy change programme

The HEA has launched a new change programme on the theme of the reward and recognition of staff. This new change programme is distinctive since it not only draws on the latest international research on promotion, but for the first time the programme aims to facilitate international working between the UK and Australia through the format of a collaborative change programme. The closing date for applications is 1 November 2013.

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Change masterclasses

In 2013-14, the HEA is leading a series of online (two-hour) and face-to-face (full day) masterclasses addressing key aspects of the change lifecycle for individuals interested in change in higher education. Two will be held in 2013, Preparing for change (20 November, York) and Leadership of change (16 December, online). Five more – Planning for change, Models of change, Implementing change, Embracing resistance and Sustaining change – will be held in 2014.

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Government offers £1 million in funding to develop assistive technology
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is providing £1million of funding for two new competitions aimed at technology developers. The competitions ask designers to invent new products which will help those with disabilities and learning difficulties access work, training and education. Named 'Ready steady STEM' and 'Good to go', the two competitions are
being launched with the help of Jisc TechDis.

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Publications, resources and funding

Flexible pedagogies: part-time learners and learning in higher education

This new report says HEIs should review the information they provide potential applicants with to make sure that part-time study is both viewed as a legitimate study pathway and valued at institutional level.

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Students want more on sustainable development from their higher education careers

A new report, Student attitudes towards and skills for sustainable development, by the HEA and NUS found that more than 80% of students surveyed believe sustainable development should be actively promoted and incorporated by UK universities, a belief which increases as they progress through their studies.

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New webpage for psychological literacy resources

This page launches two resources designed to help the Psychology learning and teaching community to embed psychological literacy within the undergraduate curriculum. The new guides offer inspiration and practical tips to make learning about Psychology engaging and personally meaningful.


HEA Social Sciences disciplines workshop and seminar series 2013 - 14

Over 40 events are available as part of this institutionally-hosted series. Further details of each of the workshops will be added to the webpage accessed via the title link above once they are opened for bookings.

More information is available on the HEA website

Learning to teach: Exploring the distinctive contribution of higher education to teacher contribution

Part two of this report synthesises key points identified at an HEA summit on university-based teacher education. The commentary discusses three key areas: research and scholarly engagement, professional reflection and preparation for inclusion and diversity. It also introduces three case studies that illustrate some of the work currently underway at higher education institutions in the UK. 

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Call for collaborative round of Teaching Development Grants opens in November

The call for the next round of collaborative teaching development grants will open on 4 November. Proposals are invited from teams within and across HEA-subscribing institutions. Successful applications will support the enhancement of learning and teaching and have long-term impact. The deadline for applications is 24 January 2014.

More information is available on the HEA website

Call open for HEA International Scholarship Programme

The HEA Professor Sir Ron Cooke International Scholarship Programme aims to support individuals to undertake specific investigations outside of the UK which will enhance the UK student learning experience. The call for applications is now open and closes on 20 January 2014.

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HEA Research and Policy webinar: Considering teaching excellence in higher education 2007-2013, 8 October 2013, online via Blackboard Collaborate

This seminar launches a report based on the HEA-funded research project 'Considering teaching excellence in higher education: 2007-2013'. The report aims to provide a scholarly summary of literature produced on teaching literature since the CHERI Report in 2007. The seminar will be led by Dr Vicky Gunn, Director of the Learning and Teaching Centre at the University of Glasgow.


Accreditation information and guidance events, 15 October 2013, University of Glasgow, 28 November 2013, HEA, York, 28 January 2014, University of Ulster & 25 February 2014, University of East London

These events take plance in Glasgow, York, Ulster and London. They will be used to explore the use of the UKPSF as a CPD framework, explain the requirements for successful accreditation, and help institutions prepare for the formal accreditation submission. Attendance will be free for up to three individuals from each subscribing institution.


Defining and developing your approach to employability, 17 October 2013, The Studio, Birmingham

This conference launches the HEA Employability Framework; a process for embedding employability into the curriculum. The event will also be an opportunity to hear about the role of the new National Council for Universities and Business (NCUB) and initial findings from the NCUB placement research project.


New to using social networking in learning and teaching, 17 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow

This free workshop is ideally suited for colleagues who, while they may have some experience of social networking in other contexts, would like to develop their use of social networking within their learning and teaching practice.


New to using open access resources in teaching research methods, 18 October 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
This free workshop is ideally suited to colleagues who teach research methods, both qualitative and quantitative, in the social sciences and would like to develop their use of open access datasets and/or software.


Postgraduates who teach in the Physical Sciences workshop, 18 October 2013, University of Huddersfield
This workshop in intended to enhance teaching skills and there will be an emphasis on laboratory instruction. The informal event will be based around discussion and a consideration of case studies. It is aimed at those at an early stage in their teaching careers but will also be of benefit to those with more experience.


HEA STEM (Maths, Stats &OR): Workshop for postgraduate students who teach Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, 24 October 2013, University of Sheffield, 29 October 2013, Lancaster University, and 31 October 2013, University of Manchester
The content for these workshops, held in Sheffield, Lancaster and Manchester, includes assessing students' work, encouraging class participation and preparing to teach. It is delivered by experienced academics who are subject specialists in MSOR.


New to teaching in Business Education, 8 November 2013, The Studio, Birmingham
The workshop will bring together those recently appointed to, or considering, an academic post in the broad discipline of 'business education'. It also aims to explore and discuss current and future opportunities, challenges and support needs for those who are new to teaching.


Academic integrity and student development: exploring dimensions for improving practice, 21 November 2013, College Court Conference Centre, University of Leicester

This event will allow those working across UK higher education to explore the concept and principles of academic integrity in relation to student development and unacceptable academic practice, such as plagiarism and collusion. The event will be of particular value to lecturers from different disciplines, educational developers, learning technologists and those working in learning and teaching support, registry and quality roles.


HEA professional writing retreats in Edinburgh (11 – 12 December 2013), London (19 – 20 February 2014) and Leeds (9 – 10 April 2014)

The HEA is offering a series of professional writing retreats, in Edinburgh, London and Leeds, to colleagues across the sector who would like help with their recognition applications. It is designed to help delegates dedicate time to understanding the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and to write their recognition applications for their chosen category of Fellowship.


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David Andrew, 
HEA CPD Manager
Senior Tutor

Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End, London E1 4NS

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