Thursday, 31 May 2012

Moodle and Web 2.0 - The Flipped Classroom Defined : infographie


Sent to you by David Andrew via Google Reader:


 La pédagogie inversée expliquée avec graphiques fort convaincants !


Things you can do from here:


Monday, 28 May 2012

Fwd: 'Proving peer-instruction actually works'

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 'Proving peer-instruction actually works'
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 19:33:16 +0100
From: Phil Race <phil@PHIL-RACE.CO.UK>
Reply-To: Phil Race <phil@PHIL-RACE.CO.UK>

Bob Farmer kindly sent me the link below to Eric Mazur's lecture
The lecture last nearly 80 minutes including questions, but is well worth a look, particularly for anyone looking for statistical evidence that making lectures interactive really works in terms of increased student learning. Of particular interest to me is Eric's comments towards the end that the assessment needs to be changed to drive learning successfully. Science colleagues may also find some of the content of particular interest.
Professor Phil Race
Visiting Professor: University of Plymouth, and University Campus, Suffolk
Emeritus Professor: Leeds Metropolitan University
Adjunct Professor: James Cook University, Northern Queensland
Adjunct Professsor: University of Central Queensland
(home address is in Newcastle-upon-Tyne - please email  me for this if you need to send anything by post). Normally best contact me by email - I'm rarely at my phone! Please note that I've now changed my mobile phone number - email me if you need the new one.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Fwd: Events e-bulletin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Events e-bulletin
Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 12:19:24 +0100
From: HEA STEM <>
Reply-To: HEA STEM <>
To: <>

Events e-bulletin
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Events e-bulletin

25 May 2012

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1. Feedback Forum

Welcome to the discussion group for Feedback in STEM subjects. This forum aims to discuss and identify some of the following key aspects:

1) What types of feedback are most effective?

2) Mapping feedback and assessment across the curriculum.

3) How to encourage students to engage with the feedback they receive and use it to feed forward.

4) How to manage students' expectations of feedback and educate them what is useful, and what to look out for.

5) Developing resources for students and staff to support feedback.

If you would like to join the forum please email Karen Fraser


2. STEM Blog

This week's STEM blog is by Thomas Lancaster who is a Lecturer at Birmingham City University, where he teaches Computing. The blog is called What's Next For STEM? Five Observations From The Discussions At The First STEM Conference… Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments about these issues by clicking on the link.


3. ***Free Workshop***

HEA STEM: Understanding the prior learning experiences and learning and teaching expectations of STEM postgraduate taught students: an institutional and national perspective

This seminar will disseminate the findings of the 2 year research project looking at the learning and teaching expectations of new taught postgraduates students at Kingston University. The first year focused on new Engineering PGTs in the Faculty of Engineering and in year two, the project surveyed new PGTs across the newly created STEM Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing.



Keep in touch


Apply for a travel grant to help fund the cost of attending these events:

Visit the website:


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles: Twitter Google Plus
Contact me: Skype david.andrew52
Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: RAISE 2012 Conference now open for Delegate Registration

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Fwd: Engineering update

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Engineering update
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 12:19:24 +0100
From: HEA STEM <>
Reply-To: HEA STEM <>
To: <>

Engineering update Want to unsubscribe or change your details?
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Engineering update

May 2012

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Sent on behalf of Dr Simon Steiner – Discipline Lead (Engineering) at the Higher Education Academy, covering the engineering and materials communities.

I am writing to you further to our monthly Engineering E-Bulletin sent out in mid-May, to update you on the transition of the Engineering Subject Centre website and to bring to your attention some forthcoming events taking place in Scotland but which are open to attendees from across the UK.

Latest News

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) has announced via a press release the successful recipients of two new annual funding award programmes which will support the development of learning and teaching across UK higher education – the International Scholarship Scheme, and the Doctoral Programme. I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to all the winners of these awards.


The Engineering Subject Centre based at Loughborough closed with effect from 30th April. An archive version of its website now resides at the Higher Education Academy, and can be accessed from the HEA's homepage by clicking the Your Discipline tag to the Engineering discipline homepage, and following the link to the Archive Engineering website under the heading Engineering Resources.

Additional links on this webpage give access to the Engineering Education Journal and the ever-popular A5-size Teaching Guide series, as well as easy access to the website for the UK Centre for Materials Education.


Our New to Teaching workshop takes place at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh on 13/14 June. Some spaces are still available for this free two-day residential workshop which is for academic staff who have been teaching for less than five years and who would like to develop their teaching skills in the context of their own discipline. The event is interdisciplinary, with plenary sessions complemented by discipline streams for engineering, built environment and geography. Note – the workshop is designed to complement your university's own courses provided for all new academic staff.

The University of Glasgow is hosting a seminar on Internationalising Graduate Attributes: Building an Inclusive Curriculum on 23 May. The seminar presents the work resulting from the HEA funded Internationalising Graduate Attributes project, which employed 8 students to carry out student-led enquiry-based research into the specific support needs of their international student peers in developing graduate attributes.

Travel Grants

The HEA's Travel Fund provides financial support to applicants who wish to attend events in the UK in order for attendees to exchange and disseminate good practice in learning, teaching and assessment and to engage with their peers. Please note that from 14 May 2012, applications must be made at least 1 calendar month prior to the event.

Keep in touch

This Email is sent to you in addition to our monthly E-Bulletin from engineering at the HEA. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, whether by Email or by phone (07920 273407). Alternatively, you can set-up and manage your own customized access facility to the HEA and its provision at My Academy.


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles: Twitter Google Plus
Contact me: Skype david.andrew52

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

First Steps into Learning & Teaching in Higher Education Begins #fslt12


Sent to you by David Andrew via Google Reader:


via Silence and Voice by Jeffrey Keefer on 5/21/12


I am planning to attend the First Steps into Learning and Teaching in Higher Education massive open online course (mooc) that begins today and runs through June 22. Focused on "new lecturers, people entering higher education teaching from other sectors and postgraduate students who teach," I am hoping to spend some time over the next few weeks on this to help my own online teaching, something I learned quite informally in the early days of online teaching and learning.

Participating in this as a mooc, one that is both structured (it is funded and offers formal university education) while also keeping the best elements of a mooc (open education, constructionist perspectives through leveled expertise, a schedule allowing for us to take what we need and share where we see a need, a workable timeline and realistic level of commitment, and the opportunity to meet new colleagues and learn in community), is what I am hoping to experience.

I am glad that the organizers of this mooc have a central "home" location on the website and via Moodle with an easy to follow schedule, so will begin to check them out later today.

While I have participated in several moocs over the years, I am looking forward to this one as the topic is specific, useful for my professional practice, limited in scope and time, and includes some people (Jenny Mackness and Sylvia Currie) whose work I have long since found valuable and solid and cutting edge and trustworthy. I hope to get and share some ideas and hopefully expand my own network of colleagues.Similar Posts:


Things you can do from here:


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Fwd: HEA/University of Lincoln Workshop: Enquiry Based Learning in STEM subjects: 11th June 12-4

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: HEA/University of Lincoln Workshop: Enquiry Based Learning in STEM subjects: 11th June 12-4
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 15:16:20 +0100
From: Aileen Morris <aimorris@LINCOLN.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Aileen Morris <aimorris@LINCOLN.AC.UK>

HEA/University of Lincoln Workshop: Enquiry Based Learning in STEM subjects: 11th June 12-4

Dear colleagues
You are warmly invited to a workshop on Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) in STEM subjects hosted by the University of Lincoln. This will take place on Monday 11th June (12-4) and is free of charge.  Lunch will be available from 12.00-12.50 for some informal networking and the workshop will be from 1.00 to 4.00.  The workshop will be facilitated by Neil Gordon from the University of Hull who has published on EBL.    There may be some HEA funding for travel - please follow the relevant links from the URL below.

Full details of the workshop and how to register can be found at:
Please forward this message on to any colleagues who may be interested.
With thanks and best wishes

Aileen Morris
Principal Teaching Fellow
Programme Leader: PGCE/HE
Centre for Educational Research and Development
University of Lincoln



The University of Lincoln - a top performer in student satisfaction, enjoying an unrivalled ascent through the University league tables, set in a dynamic, research rich and vibrant campus in the heart of a great historic student-friendly city.

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David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles:
Contact me: david.andrew52
Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: Judging Quality in Disciplinary Writing
Latest tweet: A few places still available for seminar on assessment with Prof Sue Bloxham - 16th April. Go to for details & to book

Friday, 4 May 2012

Fwd: Health Sciences Newsletter

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Health Sciences Newsletter
Date: Fri, 04 May 2012 12:21:27 +0100
From: HEA Health Sciences <>
Reply-To: HEA Health Sciences <>
To: <>

Health Sciences Newsletter Want to unsubscribe or change your details?
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Health Sciences e-bulletin


No. 1 - May 2012

Email logo


Welcome to the Health Sciences first e-bulletin. Our thanks go to our colleagues at MEDEV for their advice and support. We wish them well in their new configuration. HEALTHe will be published in the first week of each month. If you received this edition via a contact and would like to be on our mailing list, sign up via My Academy and follow the instructions to sign up for our mailing list. This edition links you to current HEA activities. Future editions will provide links to a broad range of activities of interest to the Health Sciences community.


The Health Sciences Team

All members of the team have now been appointed led by Geoff Glover. Contact your discipline lead if you would like more information about our work.

 Health Sciences Conference

Book now, for the Health Sciences Conference - Innovation, Simulation and the Evolution of Technology-enhanced Learning, East Midland Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, 31 May 2012. Bringing together over 200 health science professionals and speakers from across the UK to explore the latest use of technology to enhance Nursing, Medicine, Health, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine education.

Bite size sessions: quick fire [booster] presentations of innovative projects harnessing technology from mobile phones to simulation;

Micro-teaching: condensed sessions demonstrating technology-enhanced approaches to learning and teaching with classes of mixed discipline students;

Virtual / eGallery: showcasing interactive resources such as screencasts, videos, applications and podcasts being used in health science settings, as well as informal poster sessions.


Forthcoming Health Sciences Events in May

Workplace based learning in action: Developing the UK research network, Cardiff

Preventing and Minimising Gambling Related Harm in Higher Education Communities: Project Dissemination, Manchester

Teaching Entrepreneurship in Non-business Disciplines: The case of Veterinary Medicine, London

Should I stay or should I go? – Why healthcare students consider leaving university and why they decide to stay, Manchester

Dread looking after Doctors? ---a one-off workshop by Dr Kate Granger, Leeds.

Promoting Pharmacists and Nurses as Educators in the Multi-Disciplinary Team (within the context of Antimicrobial Stewardship), London

Getting ready for the REF: Strengthening submissions in medical education research, London


Other Events

The Centre for Workforce Intelligence is holding a series of road shows for stakeholders who have an interest in the future of medical and dental training. The next is in Leeds on May 23rd.


Funding Opportunities

Funding has been provided to enable us to offer a grant of up to £1,000 to institutions to host and deliver a workshop or seminar on teaching and learning in a discipline context. An additional fund of up to £500 is available for speaker expenses. We can also support travel within the UK. For more details see workshop/seminar and travel grants.


Become an Academic Associate

The Health Science team would like to hear from academics or practice educators with current experience, who are leaders in their field, can work as part of a team, and who share the HEA's ambition to improve learning and teaching and the student learning experience.



Health Education England (HEE) has launched its webpage including an April newsletter. Find out more about the new commissioning process here.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council welcomed the publication of the interim report of the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence's (CHRE) strategic review of the organisation as an opportunity to look forward.


HEA Annual Conference, 3rd- 4th July. "Great Expectations – are you ready?"

This two day conference will be held in Manchester. More details here.


And Finally: the Creative Curriculum

Do we need to use the humanities more in developing the health sciences curriculum? A meeting, a new play and some serious thinking about the way forward in developing the knowledge base for clinical education. Crossing Paradigms: a colloquium of clinical education. For more information about this Health Sciences supported conference contact Caroline Pelletier ‎[]‎


Useful links

Academy Update

Follow the HEA on Twitter

Become a fan of the HEA on Facebook


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles:
Contact me: david.andrew52
Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: Judging Quality in Disciplinary Writing
Latest tweet: A few places still available for seminar on assessment with Prof Sue Bloxham - 16th April. Go to for details & to book