Apologies for cross posting. This event may be of interest to London/ SE based colleagues with an interest in Gender , particularly staff taking PG certs.
Kings College University of London / University of Roehampton: Gender and Pedagogies Seminar – how are HE pedagogic practices experienced by students?
10th February 2012, 10.00 - am-3:30pm Franklin Wilkins building (Waterloo Campus, King's College London) in room 2.47
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to participate in a research seminar to interrogate the interim findings of a National Teaching Fellowship Project led by Professor Penny Jane Burke. The seminar is open to all with an interest in pedagogic practices, widening participation and issues of student identity (including intersecting identities of gender, race, class, sexuality). It is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with regard to these issues, discuss findings from interviews and focus groups with a range of undergraduate students and academic staff from 6 subject areas (Dance, Science, Business, Classics, History and Philosophy and Creative Writing) and share your own knowledge and practice. One of the aims of the project is to develop a professional development resource to help academic staff consider the issues raised by the research when choosing pedagogic practices. The seminar will be led by Professor Louise Archer from Kings College. Please do pass this on to any other colleagues who may interested, particular staff undertaking PG certs in L&THE.
To register, please e-mail c.gallop@roehampton.ac.uk. There is no cost for the seminar. Please let us know your dietary requirements.
http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/download/StrandMaughanWaterloolocation.pdf) : and http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/download/Waterloodetail.pdf
Nearest tube is Waterloo (3 minute walk).
Kind regards
Julie Hall SFSEDA
Director of Learning and Teaching Enhancement
Roehampton University
Grove House
London SW15 5PQ
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Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit
From: Archer, Louise [mailto:louise.archer@kcl.ac.uk]
Sent: 10 January 2012 13:25
To: Julie Hall
Subject: RE: staff for the 10th feb GAP workshop
Dear Julie,
Yes please, if they could register with Carolyn first that would be great.
And yes, 10th Feb is for staff to attend.
I now have the room confirmation details for that workshop too – it will also be in Franklin Wilkins building (Waterloo Campus, King's College London) in room 2.47
Thanks v much
From: Julie.Hall@roehampton.ac.uk [mailto:Julie.Hall@roehampton.ac.uk]
Sent: 10 January 2012 13:03
To: Archer, Louise
Subject: RE: staff for the 10th feb GAP workshop
Dear Louise
No problem. Shall I ask them to register with Carolyn our administrator in the first instance? Can I just confirm is 10th Feb the one you need external staff to attend?
From: Archer, Louise [mailto:louise.archer@kcl.ac.uk]
Sent: 10 January 2012 13:00
To: Julie Hall
Subject: RE: staff for the 10th feb GAP workshop
Dear Julie,
I'm just waiting for confirmation back on one of the rooms. But the 7th March seminar is definitely in room 1.17 in the Frankin-Wilkins building, here at King's on our Waterloo campus. Details and maps available at:
Franklin Wilkins is labelled as 'A' on the second, more detailed map.
Also separate maps from (http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/download/StrandMaughanWaterloolocation.pdf) : and http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/download/Waterloodetail.pdf
Nearest tube is Waterloo (3 minute walk)
I'll send through the other day rooms when I have confirmation of which building they are in (i have room numbers but not info on which building!)
I'm trying to work up a proper agenda and timetable for the day but provisionally it will probably be 10.30-3pm. I should have more next week...
Ps. Would it be possible to ask those you are inviting for any dietary requirements? Thanks
From: Julie.Hall@roehampton.ac.uk [mailto:Julie.Hall@roehampton.ac.uk]
Sent: 10 January 2012 12:44
To: Archer, Louise
Cc: C.Gallop@roehampton.ac.uk; P.Burke@roehampton.ac.uk
Subject: staff for the 10th feb GAP workshop
Hi Louise
I am helping Penny find some staff from London universities for the 10th Feb workshop at Kings and I wonder if you can give me an idea of the timing for it + venue details ?
Julie Hall SFSEDA
Director of Learning and Teaching Enhancement
Roehampton University
Grove House
London SW15 5PQ
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Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit
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