Friday, 9 December 2011

Fwd: STEM Annual Conference - 2nd call for papers

Sent on behalf of Dr Simon Steiner, Discipline lead - Engineering, The Higher Education Academy

Aiming for excellence in STEM learning and teaching

2nd Call for Papers

The Higher Education Academy's first annual learning and teaching STEM conference will take place on 12 and 13 April 2012 at Imperial College London, one of the world's leading centres of excellence for teaching and research in the fields of science, technology and medicine.

STEM subjects are recognised as having strategic importance in higher education for the economy and employers. The student learning experience in STEM subjects is vital in ensuring sustained growth in the uptake of these key disciplines. Furthermore an excellent learning experience ensures that students developed the right skills at the time of graduation and beyond through continued professional development. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) provides national leadership in developing and disseminating evidence-informed practice in learning and teaching in higher education; this conference will provide a platform for this for the HEA's STEM disciplines.

The HEA's STEM group includes the following disciplines;

Biological Sciences; Built Environment; Computing; Engineering; Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences; Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research; Physical Sciences; Psychology.

The key conference themes applied to STEM disciplines are:

innovative practice in STEM learning and teaching; gender issues in STEM subjects; Mathematics and Statistics in an interdisciplinary context; work-based learning in STEM subjects; teaching and assessing large classes; assessment and feedback; employability; flexible learning; internationalisation; retention and success.

We are interested in papers that apply to specific STEM disciplines as well as generically, across all STEM subjects.

Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted by Friday 16 December 2011 and are subjected to double-blinded peer review; a response will be sent by 16 January 2012. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 17 February 2012.  Full paper submissions and authors will have reviewers' comments by 2 March 2012.  Camera-ready papers should be returned to the conference committee by 16 March 2012 for inclusion in the proceedings.

Please see
for further details.

Note: it is expected that at least one author of a paper, workshop or poster which is accepted for presentation attends the conference; to assist with this, the Higher Education Academy offers a Travel Grant. This offers up to £500 for a team and £300 for an individual towards travel and subsistence - see for further details.

David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice

The Learning Institute
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

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