Monday, 16 May 2011

Get the word out: Effective communication of physics education research


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via by sciencegeekgirl on 16/05/11

I recently gave a plenary talk at the Foundation and Frontiers of Physics Education Research – Puget Sound conference.  What an honor!  And very fun, because I got to talk about anything that I wanted to.  I've been wanting — for ages — to talk about the intersections that I see between science journalism and our struggle, in education research, to get instructors to use our research-based techniques.  Before coming into physics education research (PER), I was a science journalist and communicator — I've got a wide variety of publication in the popular press, and had a wonderful summer at NPR's science desk. So, at FFPERPS, I decided to finally give the talk that's been four years in coming:  Getting the word out, Effective Communication of Our Work in PER.

(I would love to give this talk again, so if anybody has an audience of faculty professional development people, please let me know, as I want to get this message across!)

The talk was incredibly well-received, generating a lot of interest and discussion and debate.  So, while it's hard to give as good of a performance to my computer, I wanted to document the presentation here on the blog.  It's 50 minutes long, so a bit of a time investment, but if you're thinking about communicating about education research, I suggest you give it a viewing.  I've got some good research studies in there, connections to the communication of climate change and anti-smoking campaigns, and great clips from NPR.

Here is the presentation in its entirety (video with my audio)

But the resolution isn't that great, so I recommend you actually just download it from my website:  Here it is (100 MB).

Here are the slides-only via Slideshare:


And here is the closing slide with my main points:


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