Monday, 21 March 2011

Fwd: sceptre seminar and resources

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From: Norman Jackson <>
Date: 19 March 2011 10:23
Subject: sceptre seminar and resources

sceptre news 20/03/11
The SCEPTrE Project comes to an end on March 31st and we would like to thank everyone who has supported our work and made use of our resources over the last five years. While SCEPTrE ceases to exist as an organisation the work on learning to be professional, lifewide learning and creativity in higher education will continue through the not for profit work of Chalk Mountain Education and Media Services We will continue working with anyone who shares our vision for a more complete education.
Professor Norman Jackson
Thursday March 24th 11.00-12.15
"On the edge of reality: Some challenges in using simulation to supplement students' lived experiences.'
Ed Errington, University of North Queensland
Video conference streamed live from this webpage
The presentation focuses on the pros, cons and challenges facing educators using simulated media to supplement life experience of health/medical students. It considers the place of psychological realism; situated contexts; perceptions of teaching & teaching delivery; and, learning and alternative curricula in enriching lived experience. Each of these factors can individually, or in combination, aid or hinder the relative efficacy of simulation as a potentially viable supplement for real experience.  The presenter offers ways that these challenges might be met and simulated learning optimised.
See also  - As close as it gets: Developing professional identity through the potential of scenario-based learning
Ed Errington
Guide to Personal Professionalism
Sarah Campbell
A simple explanation for students of what students who have completed a year long work placement believe being professional involves.
Assessing the Complexity of Professional Achievement
Mantz Yorke
Learning to be Professional through a Higher Education e book
Filmed seminar - Video available by March 25th
The Challenge of Assessing Students' Professional Development & Achievement
Mantz Yorke

David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice

The Learning Institute at Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

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