Friday, 5 March 2010

Fwd: UK Centre for Bioscience New Publications and Spring 2010 Events

Please share the following publications and events from the UK Centre for Bioscience with your community.


New Publications from the Centre:

·         Assessment Briefing brings together resources and references on various aspects of assessment including assessing practical and fieldwork, assessment of group work as well as elements of feedback and feed-forward. To view the publication visit

·         Improving first-year laboratory classes in bioscience – students' views brings together the results of a survey carried out in order to identify the features of laboratory classes valued by students and thus help teachers improve the student experience in laboratory classes. Please visit this future publication and all other Centre Publications at


Please share the upcoming Professional Development opportunities:


·         External Examining External Examining - a workshop for new and aspiring examiners in the sciences

Thursday 18th March 2010, Higher Education Academy York

·         Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the Biosciences with Practical and Fieldwork Resources

Wednesday 31st March 2010, University College London

·         Graduate Attributes for the 21st Century  - date for diary

Thursday 15th April 2010, Edinburgh Napier University

Look for upcoming information at

·         Teaching in the Biosciences: an Introduction for Postgraduates and Postdoctoral Fellows

Wednesday 28th April 2010, University of Manchester

·         Final Year Projects: Maximising the Learning

Thursday 13th May 2010, Newcastle University

·         Developing Laboratory Skills for the 21st Century*

Wednesday 19th May 2010, London Metropolitan University

(*Joint event with the CEAIL CETL, Queen's University Belfast)


For further information on the UK Centre's events, or to register visit


Need help with travel funds? Travel Bursaries are now available to support attendance at Centre events


Thank you for your assistance.


Sheryl Meskin, Ph.D.
Academic Advisor

UK Centre for Bioscience
The Higher Education Academy
Room 9.15, Worsley Building
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel:   +44 (0)113 343 3438
Fax:  +44 (0)113 343 5894

(0.6 FTE Office Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)


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