Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Fwd: Thinking Writing Events

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From: Sally Mitchell <s.mitchell@qmul.ac.uk>
Date: 9 February 2010 13:34
Subject: Thinking Writing Events
To: Sally Mitchell <s.mitchell@qmul.ac.uk>

Dear Colleague

In the week beginning 8th March, we are hosting visitors from Quinnipiac University, Connecticut as part of an exchange fellowship, designed to enable the two institutions to compare institutional, departmental and individual approaches to developing writing and thinking in the disciplines.  During this visit there'll be two Thinking Writing events and I 'd like to invite you to participate in these:

1) EXCHANGE OF PRACTICE FORUM   -  "Developing disciplinary thinking in the first year – uses of writing"

 Tuesday 9th March 2-3.30 in G.O.Jones Building, Room 6.02

We'd like to hear about how you have used, or are planning to use, writing to encourage your students to engage with ways of thinking in your discipline or field. We're placing the emphasis on the First Year in recognition of the significance in students' learning development of transition from A level (or equivalent) to higher education. However we are also interested to discuss approaches or activities used at other levels that could be adapted or adopted in the First Year. We hope that colleagues will come forward with their ideas and experiences and be prepared to share them in this informal forum.

Please get in touch if:

  •  You have something you would like to talk briefly about. It can be a small, simple activity, or a more elaborate one; it can also be something that doesn't quite work that might benefit from discussion.... (If you can't make the date but nonetheless have something others might benefit from hearing about, please still get in touch -  we'll disseminate for you)
  •  You would like to come along and hear what others do.

2) WORKSHOP -  "Critical Thinking: What is it and can it be taught?"

Wednesday 10th March  2-4pm in Laws Building, Room G5

Led by Professor Bob Smart, Faculty of English and Co-chair of Writing Across the Curriculum,  and Andy Delohery, Director of the Learning Centre, Quinnipiac University.

Please let me know (by 26th February if possible) if you would like to take part in either or both of these events. All welcome, so do circulate this invitation to other colleagues, including teaching assistants.

Best wishes

--  Sally Mitchell Thinking Writing  Language and Learning Unit Queen Mary, University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS  Tel: 020 7882 2833 www.thinkingwriting.qmul.ac.uk  

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