Monday, 4 February 2013

Fwd: HEA STEM: Lectures without Lecturing in the Physical Sciences

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Subject: HEA STEM: Lectures without Lecturing in the Physical Sciences
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 12:21:05 +0000
From: HEA STEM <>
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HEA STEM: Lectures without Lecturing in the Physical Sciences
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HEA STEM: Lectures without Lecturing in the Physical Sciences


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  • Date: 21 Feb 2013
  • Start Time: 10:30 am
  • Location/venue: The Hilton Hotel Sheffield

It has been accepted for some time that the delivery of a didactic fifty minute lecture, involving only transmission of information, is not the most effective way to facilitate learning. Contact time with students is an increasingly precious resource, and there are now many examples of the more effective use of this time within the physical sciences. This workshop is an update of that held last year and will showcase some examples of best practice in using lecture time effectively, and provide a forum in which university teachers who are considering more innovative approaches can explore their ideas. There will be contributions from experts in such topics as the flipped lecture and the inverted classroom.


For further details and to book please see


Paul Yates 

Discipline Lead for the Physical Sciences


+44 (0)1904 717500   M +44 (0) 7776 197472   Skype HEApaulyates


The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR – Twitter@HEAcademy


HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 17-18 April, University of Birmingham


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at



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