Saturday, 13 October 2012

Fwd: Introducing the higher education blogs network

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12 October 2012

Highlights on the network this week

HEresource The higher education blogs network
Our newly launched blogs network is an invaluable directory, drawing together commentary, analysis and resources from across the global higher education blogosphere
Live-tweeting at academic conferences: 10 rules of thumb
After 'Twittergate', Ernesto Priego explores the ethics of live-tweeting academic events and provides 10 points to bear in mind when navigating this emerging social media minefield

New approaches to workplace learning

With skill shortages a major obstacle to business expansion, firms are being encouraged to find new ways of working with the education sector - Debbie Andolo reports on a recent Open University roundtable
Beyond employability: embedding life skills in higher education
What are the diverse attributes students need to develop while at university? See the highlights from our live chat where we discussed experiences of teaching and transferring life skills

Best of the web

How hard is it to get into Oxbridge?
Datablog: We look at how tough it is to get a place at the UK's top two universities and which courses are the easiest to get into

12 reasons not to panic about MOOCS
If your university is asking whether it's going to miss out by not joining one of the MOOC consortia, here are a dozen good reasons not to panic

Julian Huppert, MP: "Higher education should be free"
Alice Udale-Smith talks apologising, rebellion and cycling with Cambridge's local MP

Prof. Philip Booth: Higher education for profit, it's time to move forward
"The war against for-profit colleges is part of an ideological war in favour of government control of business"

Jobs of the week

Uni of                                                            the arts                                                            101111
Dean of media, arts and design
University of Westminster

Head of college communications
University of the Arts London

Canterbury                                                            Christ Church                                                            university
LSE                                                            211211
Senior lecturer, secondary mathematics
Canterbury Christ Church University

Postdoctoral research officer

Have you entered the Guardian University Awards yet?

The Guardian University Awards, launched at the end of August, will recognise excellence, creativity and innovation in UK universities.

The awards fall into 10 categories, for which the deadline for entries is Monday 5 November. Candidates for the Higher Education Inspiring Leader will be nominated by the awards judging panel and the shortlist for this category will be posted online and voted for by members of the network.  Visit the microsite to find out more.

Awards                                                            banner

With thanks to...

aua uni                                                            awards heera heloa

million                                                            plus nus uni                                                            awards correct                                                            Uni Alliance

Get in touch

If you have any feedback, suggestions or would like to write a guest blog for us,
email Nancy Groves

Interested in sponsorship or other commercial opportunities related to the Higher Education Network? Contact Sunita Gordon:; or Deborah Lawson at Guardian Jobs on 020 3353 2194 or

If you have any queries regarding your membership or you would like to change any of the options you selected please contact our customer service team on 08448 442612 or email

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David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



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