Friday, 17 February 2012

Fwd: HEA STEM Free workshops

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HEA STEM Newsletter

17 February 2012

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Dear Colleagues

HEA STEM has created this mailing list to keep you informed of the opportunities we are offering to the STEM community, both academics and students, in the upcoming weeks. This short newsletter will be sent every two weeks, if you would prefer not to receive it please click unsubscribe.



1. HEA STEM: Writing for Publication

Date: 1 Mar 2012

Location/venue: University of Huddersfield

The aim of this workshop is to encourage and help Academics write for journals, submit their work for conferences and to improve chances of having papers accepted.

2. HEA STEM: Embedding Puzzle-based learning in STEM teaching

Date: 7 Mar 2012

Location/venue: University of Birmingham

The purpose of the proposed seminar and workshop is therefore is to present completed work on embedding puzzle-based learning in STEM subjects and to ask participants to consider how the puzzles might be adapted for specific STEM subjects and to provide examples of such adaption for wider dissemination.

3. HEA STEM: Enquiry Based Learning

Date: 14 Mar 2012

Location/venue: University of Liverpool

This workshop seeks to investigate some of the characteristics of EBL as follows:

  • Engagement – with a complex problem or scenario
  • Students directing the lines of enquiry and the methods employed.
  • Tasks that will stimulate curiosity in students, encouraging them explore/seek out new evidence.


4. Call for submissions to ITALICS (June 2012) and New Directions (issue 8)

 Hope to see you at some of our events


About the Higher Education Academy

The HEA is a national body for enhancing learning and teaching in higher education in the UK. We work with institutions across the HE system to help bring about change in learning and teaching to improve the outcomes for students. We do this by recognising and rewarding excellent teaching, bringing together people and resources to research and share best practice and by helping influence, shape and implement policy.

The HEA supports staff in higher education throughout their career from those who are new to teaching through to senior management. We offer services in 28 disciplines and throughout the UK, and have offices in England, Wales and Scotland. Through the partnership management team we work directly with institutions to understand individual circumstances and priorities and bring together resources to meet them.

Owned by Universities UK and Guild HE, the HEA is funded by the four national funding councils, institutional subscriptions and project income.

For more recent news, events and funding opportunities, subscribe to Academy Update.

The Higher Education Academy, Company Limited by Guarantee Registered Number 4931031. Registered Office: The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. Registered as Charity Number 1101607.


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at


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Twitter Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: ASKe Event; New Perspectives on Feedback, 28 June
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Twitter Latest tweet: March research seminar: Prof Lynn McAlpine of Oxford and McGill University, Canada on early career academic identities.
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Monday, 6 February 2012

Fwd: Webinar: OERs for Discipline-Orientated Educational Development

Dear colleagues,

Following our successful launch event last week, the HEA/JISC-funded project 'Disciplinary Thinking' (aka Academic Practice in Context: OERs for Exploring Discipline-based Learning & Teaching) will be hosting a webinar on Friday 24th February 2012 at 12:30 - 13:30.

This webinar will provide a broad overview of recent projects on Open Educational Resources (OERs) within educational development in UK HE and will outline the materials being created by 'Disciplinary Thinking'. We are keen to encourage participation in the development of these materials through piloting or review by colleagues. Draft materials will be made available on our blogsite which will also be used as the key link to the final resources (available through a Creative Commons licence).

The URL for the webinar is
For more information about the project, take a look at our blogsite:

Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th!
Best wishes,

Head of Academic Staff Development
Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office
Wessex House 5.36
University of Bath
Claverton Down

t: 01225 38 6933


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at


My profiles: Twitter Google Plus
Twitter Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: HEA retention and success seminar series 2012
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Twitter Latest tweet: Now available on Learning Matters 'Lost on a rollercoaster: the first year doctoral student experience' -
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