Tuesday 22 June 2010

Fwd: Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre e-bulletin June 2010

Dear Colleague,


Please find attached the June edition of the e-bulletin from the Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre.


I would like to draw your attention to the following items:


1.  Public Health Special Interest Group: The art and science of public health pedagogy. Friday 25th June 2010, 10am – 4pm, Manchester Metropolitan University. http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/news-events/eventsbox/events2010/phsig25062010


2.  Interprofessional Education (IPE) Special Interest Group: 'Interprofessional competencies and capabilities – the professional body perspective.' Monday 5th July 2010, 10.30am – 4pm, Institution of Clinical Education, Warwick Medical School. Details: http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/news-events/eventsbox/events2010/ipesig05072010/   


3.  'Open Access Policy and practice using OER (Open Educational Resources) is essential to the future of professional education'. Wednesday 7th July 2010, 5pm – 7.30pm King's College London. This seminar is free to attend, however please reserve your place by emailing Rosemary Cannon (phorus-info@kcl.ac.uk).


4.  Critical Reflection SIG: "Meeting yourself coming backwards : challenges and opportunities in facilitating reflexivity". Friday 16th July 2010, University of the West of England, Bristol. http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/news-events/eventsbox/events2 010/CRSig16072010


More details of these events and many others are available in the e-bulletin and on our website.


Kind regards


Charles Kasule
Communications & Resources Officer


Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre

3.12 Waterloo Bridge Wing, Franklin Wilkins Building, King's College London, 150 Stamford Street London, SE1 9NH




10 years of enhancing Learning and Teaching


PHORUS Project http://phorus.health.heacademy.ac.uk/


Wednesday 9 June 2010

HP Catalyst Initiative

HP Catalyst Initiative for developing STEM education

Key dates

—Register intent to apply:
30 June 2010
—Proposals due: 5:00 pm PT, 9 August 2010
—Recipient announcements:3 September 2010
HP is building a global network of consortia that is developing more effective approaches to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. The goal is to create international collaborative “sandboxes” of innovation that explore the future of STEM education —a future where students use their technical and creative ingenuity to address urgent social challenges in their communities and around the world.