Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Training session: Introduction to QM’s VLE


Sent to you by DavidAndrew via Google Reader:


via Distance and E-Learning Unit by Gill Ritchie on 25/01/10

If you are just starting out with the central College virtual learning system (VLE), Blackboard, or you are wondering about what it might have to offer, you might be interested to know about our "Introduction to QM's Virtual Learning Environment" session which is taking place this Wednesday afternoon. The session is aimed at staff who [...]


Things you can do from here:


Prezi Announces New, Free Education Licenses

Following the previous post I found this


Sent to you by DavidAndrew via Google Reader:


via Free Technology for Teachers by noreply@blogger.com (Mr. Byrne) on 24/01/10

Prezi, a great service for taking presentations beyond bullets and pictures, has just announced that they're offering a free education license for teachers and students. Prior to this announcement the free version of Prezi did not allow for making content private. The new education license will allow teachers and students to keep their content private. The education license also offers five times the storage space of the previous free Prezi license. To get an education license you need to register using your school's email address.

In the announcement of the new, free education licenses Prezi cites this blog post as one of the reasons for the change. It's great to see a company respond to the education community. It's also a good example of what can be accomplished with an online campaign.

If you've never tried Prezi, I encourage to read this post and or watch the following video.


Things you can do from here:


Fwd: Now it is easier to Get, Use and Reuse Prezi

Prezi is an alternative to powerpoint - more dynamic

David Andrew
Head of Academic Practice
Educational and Staff Development: Queen Mary, University of London

Tel - 020 7882 2803 or 07986709981
Google Talk:
Google Talk: davidandr Skype: david.andrew52

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prezi <noreply@prezi.com>
Date: 2010/1/26
Subject: Now it is easier to Get, Use and Reuse Prezi
To: David Andrew <davidandr@gmail.com>

Dear David,

Now it's easier to Get, Use and Reuse Prezi.

Remix the Prezis you Love

Got your eye on a prezi in the Showcase? Now you can reuse prezis, so you don't have to start from scratch every time. The more reusable prezis, the better. So, add your prezi to the mix!
Check out the library of cool reusable prezis »

New Editor makes it Easier

• Half the menus, more features: find the right tools in the right place
• New colors and effects: choose the right style for your prezi
• Video: add a YouTube video just by pasting the link
Learn more about the changes »

Free Education License

Students and teachers! You'll love our new Education License, which makes Prezi Enjoy available for free (yes, FREE) to users with a school email address. And, get Prezi Pro with the Prezi Desktop at a special educational discount. Read about how you can switch to an EDU license.

We hope you enjoy the new features and functions! As always, you can tweet or post any questions or comments.

Happy zooming!
Prezi Team

©2010 Prezi Inc. | 388 Beale St, Suite 1015, San Francisco, CA | Get support on Prezi | Work at Prezi

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Fwd: Funding Opportunity for UK Bioscientists

David Andrew
Head of Academic Practice
Educational and Staff Development: Queen Mary, University of London

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sheryl Meskin <S.A.Meskin@leeds.ac.uk>
Date: 2010/1/20
Subject: Funding Opportunity for UK Bioscientists
To: SEDA@jiscmail.ac.uk

Please share the following funding call with appropriate colleagues. The UK Centre for Bioscience is seeking to increase engagement with bioscientists based in Wales.


Thank you for you assistance.



The UK Centre for Bioscience is currently holding round 12 of their Teaching Development Fund which provides support of up to £4000 to individuals in the Biosciences to encourage the development, establishment or validation of innovative learning, teaching and assessment materials or methods.


The funding bids are open to those working in Higher Education Bioscience Teaching and Learning in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. For more information and details of the funding call please visit: http://www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/funding/tdf/index.aspx


Application deadline: 29th January 2010.


Sheryl Meskin, Ph.D.
Academic Advisor

UK Centre for Bioscience
The Higher Education Academy
Room 9.15, Worsley Building
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel:   +44 (0)113 343 3438
Fax:  +44 (0)113 343 5894

(0.6 FTE Office Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)


Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Students taking notes

Just some comments about what I have observed about student note taking recently.

One star note taker was taking handwritten notes in two colours with a highlighter - so coordinating 3 pens at once.

Interesting increase in the number of laptops and electronic notebooks in some lectures - observed one student who appeared to have downloaded the powerpoint slides as a text document and was formatting it and adding the occasional note during the lecture.  Other students follow the powerpoint on their own screen.  Some alternate between the powerpoint and wikipedia or facebook (the latter perhaps demonstrating less engagement perhaps).

David Andrew
Head of Academic Practice
Educational and Staff Development: Queen Mary, University of London

Saturday, 16 January 2010

This blog

MADISON, WI -  MARCH 10:  Irina Elcheva a empl...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
This blog will be a place where I share things I find on the web and the occasional thought relevant to the teaching of science, engineering and mathematics in HE.
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This blog

This blog will be used to share things I find on the web and the occasional thought relevant to medical and dental education.